S3E25: Balancing World Building Against Character & Plot with Author Michael Buchsbaum

Michael Buchsbaum is the author of the Sci-Fi novel “Break the Moon,” but he’s also in the process of writing Fantasy. Today we discuss how to present your world building without info dumping, how to push each character’s individual arc forward, all along with pushing the overall story’s plot forward.

Do you think our insights hit the mark?

You can find “Break the Moon” on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Break-Moon-Michael-Buchsbaum/dp/B0CSH57DFG

Follow Mike on Twitter/X at: https://twitter.com/mwbuchsbaum



-I’m still emptying my old house into our new shed. Insurance just approved a new roof, so that will be helpful when we put the house on the market.
-Work continues on Nightshade Unicorn book 2: “Guardian”. I’m still shooting for a release date of August 22, which is very close at this point. The cover artist is waiting for me to get back to her with info about the book that will guide the cover design.
-I’m slowly working toward an audiobook for “Forerunner.” I inquired for Michael Kramer/Kate Reading to read it and they responded that they felt as a YA novel, it would be better served by younger voices. They recommended another team, and I will consider them. I still could record it myself, but it would be great to take a huge item off my plate. Also, I’d have to develop my narration game first, which makes it an even heavier load if I do it myself.


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy novel, “Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. You can really help out by leaving a rating and review on Amazon below, or on Goodreads. It helps other people find the book and join the journey!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
