S3E32: Dictating My Book!

Updates: I need beta readers and ARC readers. Read Guardian for free by clicking one of these two links:
–>Beta reader call! – https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/guardian-beta-read/
–>ARC reader call! – https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/arc-nu2-guardian/

Also: dictation is a great tool that helps me write faster!


Check out Guardian on the eBook pre-order page on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ and bask in its glory. Also, you may notice that the pre-order is available at a big discount, so tell your friends!!!


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. You can really help out by leaving a rating and review on Amazon below, or on Goodreads. It helps other people find the book and join the journey!

Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Pre-Order on Amazon for $1.99: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E31: Fantasy Cartographer and Author Kate Korsak

Now presenting the author of the Fantasy novel Guardian – wait, is that correct? Hey, author Kate Korsak has an upcoming book with the same title! She makes fantasy maps, too, which is way rad. We discuss our upcoming novels, digging into her other books as well. You will love this interview.

Make sure you check out Kate’s website at https://www.katekorsak.com/!


Check out Guardian on the eBook pre-order page on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ and bask in its glory. Also, you may notice that the pre-order is available at a big discount, so tell your friends!!!


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series, “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. You can really help out by leaving a rating and review on Amazon below, or on Goodreads. It helps other people find the book and join the journey!

Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:

Be a Beta Reader and help me tighten things down – sign up at: https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/guardian-beta-read/
Be an ARC reader and read the final version for free. I’ll give away free eBooks ahead of launch so the product page has reviews on launch day. Sign up at: https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/arc-nu2-guardian/
Pre-Order on Amazon for $1.99: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E30: Sci-Fi Author and Tabletop Game Writer William Galaini

I know, I know, this still isn’t the LARPing episode I promised. That will happen, but it will require a bit more editing than most interviews and I’m swamped. But seriously, watch/listen to this episode and you’ll love it.

I had a lot of fun with this interview. William Galaini is a very interesting character with a solid perspective and can-do attitude. We jumped from topic to topic, but I felt like it went a good way. Despite allowing ourselves to meander, I cut out the parts when my 4-year-old walked in. They were cute moments, but outside the scope of this show.

Check his books out at https://williamljgalaini.com/ – You can go to williamgalaini.com, but it just redirects to include the “lj” in the middle.

Easter egg: If you’re watching the video interview, jump to 36:34 to see my daughter attempt to share a drawing with you. I didn’t notice at the time.


Cover reveal: Nightshade Unicorn book 2: Guardian‘s cover design is out in the world!

Check it out on the eBook pre-order page on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ and bask in its glory. Also, you may notice that the pre-order is available at a big discount, so tell your friends!!!


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy novel, “Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. You can really help out by leaving a rating and review on Amazon below, or on Goodreads. It helps other people find the book and join the journey!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


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