“Aton, you have been a unique case your whole life,” Domido said. “Yes, you have trained with your brothers and sisters, studied with them the business of the Farella heritage and way of life. You have done your part to learn everything expected of you as a Farella. And yet you have been different.”
King Domido directed himself to the crowd. “For centuries and generations, since the founding of this nation, my family has ruled in Grendhill. We take no credit for the benevolence and bravery of our progenitor, but we have inherited a legacy to adhere to principles of concern for others. Furthermore, due to the declaration of one of the wisest sagewomen in history, we have inherited the unnatural attribute of possessing a weapon since birth, along with it the responsibility to guard this land against its enemies.
“For centuries, our ancestors have stood ready to defend what the first King of Grendhill united. We have the advantage, by no virtue of our own, of marvelous weapons that don’t grow old or rusty. We have been charged to remain ready to use these weapons against your enemies. As you have just witnessed, Domire, Valkyr, Misolfa, and Tido are prepared to take up the weapons that have belonged to them since birth.
“Aton is different, as you already know. Aton was born with no weapon. However, Aton is still most definitely one of us. It is customary among our people to try to have a sageman or sagewoman present at the birth of our children and tell us their Impressions of the babes. I expect most of you were told what Impressions were read of you at birth, giving a hint of what kind of person you would grow up to be.
“Such is the tradition in the Farella house. We recorded the Impressions of Domire, of Valkyr, of Misolfa, and of Tido. We have identified the named traits that each of them bears within, and have watched as these traits begin to form in their personalities. The sageman had no Impression of Aton. He told us there was a chord shared with the rest of our family, but he had no distinct Impressions. Some might be frightened of this.”
King Domido looked at his son, Aton. “Aton, I like to think this leaves you with great freedom. I have watched you train, study, and apply yourself with great diligence and determination. You studied multiple weapons, keeping your horizons broad. You have shown us your choice that you will be a man of honor and wisdom, worthy of the Farella name. Though your brother Domire and I can best you with a sword, Valkyr with a bow, Misolfa with a hammer, and Tido with an axe, you have distinguished yourself in skill and speed above all others. You carry an aptitude for whatever situation you find yourself in, particularly with any weapon you may be wielding.”
Domido neared the end of his remarks. “People of Grendhill, Aton Farella has matured in his training, and is as ready as I can prepare him for any new challenge or possibility his path may present to him. Aton, you may Depart to find your way.”