Re-Publishing Chapters: The Grendhill Chronicles

I am doing some edits of Grendhill Chronicles content. I realized some time ago that basically nobody really knows about my website, so I’m publishing the edited chapters on Royal Road and on Wattpad. (Links at the bottom.)

There’s a new chapter today, and the next one is already lined up for March 8th. Expect it to continue on Wednesdays, since this is fairly low-hanging fruit for me and ~40 of these segments already exists on I should be able to keep them coming consistently.

This is also practice to later publish new content on Kindle Vella. I am currently writing “Beacon and G.O.H.O.M.U.S.P.,” a humorous story about a Guild of individuals with useless superpowers. That is new, never-before-seen content which will be published on Vella and on our subscription pages (under construction) for Grendhill Media. I hope to start pushing it out in a couple of months.

In the meanwhile, enjoy!

Royal Road:


I’m not Procrastinating

Honestly, I’m not. But I am busy, and other things keep getting in the way of writing. One of these days we’ll settle some of the challenges facing us and I’ll have more time to write and world-build. In the meantime…here’s a small update.

Skywalker, our 2005 Honda Pilot – Poor Baby is Sick with a bad Rear Main Seal

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