S2E22: Benefits and Challenges of Writing a Large Universe of Books – Author Thomas K. Carpenter

This episode features a conversation with Thomas K. Carpenter, author of the Hundred Halls universe. He writes multiple series under this umbrella, each with its own characters and challenges. I enjoyed talking with him and we had an engaging conversation that was unfortunately cut off by an internet service interruption at my end.

Find his work at https://thomaskcarpenter.com/ .

GCP S2:E20 – Author Business Methods with J. Clifton Slater

Today’s episode continues last week’s interview with Historical Fiction Adventure Author J. Clifton Slater, who has a well-established career of “making ancient Rome readable!” He builds on historical events and writes into the space that history doesn’t cover.

This episode picks up right where we left off last time, and we talk about different things an author can do to build a brand and followers.

GCP S2:E20 – Historical Fiction Adventure with Author J. Clifton Slater

Today’s episode features an interview with Historical Fiction Author J. Clifton Slater, who has a well-established career of “making ancient Rome readable!” He builds on historical events and writes into the space that history doesn’t cover.

Our discussion went long and began to cover topics dealing with the work-life balance, so check back on Monday, Dec 18 to hear the rest of the conversation!

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