S3E4: Exploring Magic Systems with Clark Rowenson, the Magic Engineer

Today’s episode is an conversation with author and Magic Engineer Clark “C.R.” Rowenson. It’s a terribly interesting conversation if I say so myself, because we dig into some factors that an author may consider when building a world and magic system. Clark Rowenson has his own YouTube channel, and you can also find him at the links below.

https://www.youtube.com/ @themagicengineer5314

Also, the Kickstarter campaign for “Forerunner” is live for 1 more week! It’s already sitting at 209% funded, but I’m still excited to share the project with everyone. You can check it out on Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grendhill/nightshade-unicorn-forerunner-an-epic-fantasy-tale. If you can’t follow or copy the link, I posted a convenient button at nightshadeunicorn.com. Thank you to everyone for your support!

Check in next Thursday for an interview with Todd Fahnestock about plotting vs “pantsing” in epic fantasy!

S3E3: The Humanity and Future of AI with Editor Kara Espy

In this conversation with book editor Kara Espy, we talk about…the humanity and future of AI??? Well, sure! It was a great discussion. We get hypothetical and even philosophical. Jump in with us.

You can look Kara up for help bringing your book into the work at https://www.midwrite.com/. This is the second episode of a two-part interview; look back to S2E24 to hear Kara break down the novel editing process.

Also, the Kickstarter campaign for Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner is live until the end of January! We have surpassed our funding goal, but I’m still excited to share the project with everyone. You can check it out on Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grendhill/nightshade-unicorn-forerunner-an-epic-fantasy-tale. If you can’t follow or copy the link, I posted a convenient button at nightshadeunicorn.com. Thank you to everyone for your support!

S3E1: The Author Journey with Historical Fantasy Author LL Nelson

Today I’m sharing a conversation with Author LL Nelson about the author journey: the ins and outs that eventually brought her here. Every author has a different journey but there are some common threads that you’ll often hear in these interviews, as each person learns and finds his or her own way to authorship.

Find her books at https://www.llnelsonauthor.com/books/ .

Current events: our Kickstarter campaign for Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner has reached its funding threshold and blown right past! Make sure to reserve your copy of the book from this debut edition of the book. You can go directly to the campaign, or find a link at https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/ .

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