S3E23: Blurring Sci-Fi and Reality with Noah Healy (Part 3: Biology)

Having appeared on the Grendhill Chronicles Podcast twice before, Noah Healy is a recreational mathematician and a market system theorist who likes to discuss his ideas on podcast “The 4th Age – the AI Revolution.” You can view his show here: https://www.youtube.com/@the4thage

We’re discussing how technology is and will push the limits into what has so far only been Science Fiction. Today we dive into what we may see in the future with biological science and engineering.

Check in next week to hear from Non-Fiction pirate book author Robert Jacob!


Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner is currently on sale! The eBook is priced at $.99 through June 25 at the links at the bottom of these notes. (Regular price: $7.99) I’m in the process of marking down the print books for the same time frame, prices pending. You should see that change today.

…But if you consume podcasts like I do, then you came to the show notes because you were already listening and you heard me announce a temporary free download link for the eBook. So here it is: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/uv43i4bovh

I set up the free download link to participate in Stuff Your Kindle – Fantasy Edition on June 23, 2024. Many indie authors are banding together to offer Fantasy eBooks for free on that day! You can check out the event page with all the different offerings here: https://www.authorcnnoble.com/s-y-k-f-e
(Please note that it is still being updated, so check it next weekend when it will be complete.)


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my Epic Fantasy novel, “Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. Please remember to leave a rating and review on Amazon below.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E22: Blurring Sci-Fi and Reality with Noah Healy (Part 2)

Having appeared on the Grendhill Chronicles Podcast before, Noah Healy is a recreational mathematician and a market system theorist who likes to discuss his ideas on podcast “The 4th Age – the AI Revolution.” You can view his show here: https://www.youtube.com/@the4thage

We discuss how technology is and will push the limits into what has so far only been Science Fiction. Today we dive into what technologies we may see blowing up in the future. Check back in with us next Thursday to hear Noah discuss the future of biological technologies.


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my Epic Fantasy novel, “Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. Please remember to leave a rating and review on Amazon below.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E21: Writing Villains with Author Marla Himeda

How do you write villains in fiction? Author Marla Himeda came on the show previously to discuss music in fantasy, along with her Master of Music series. Today she and I explore the different aspects of forming villains in our stories. Unfortunately her recording got cut off due to tech issues while we conversed, but I salvaged what I could of the conversation. Enjoy the interview.

You can find her work–both prose and the music that accompanies the story–at https://www.mhimedabooks.com/ and can purchase book 1 at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2D5P4DC. (Book 2 is on the way!)

Other links from today’s episode:
->Come see me at the Salem Church Branch Library on May 31, 2024, 11am-2pm: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ztTgAwvMbtiZsUDU7
->The large printed map of the world of the Nightshade Unicorn: https://www.thorn.link/Grendhill/2024-05-29-20-16-19/
->Clarinet surfing: https://youtu.be/sybRyc8z02o

We’ll see you next Thursday.


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my Epic Fantasy novel, “Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. Please remember to leave a rating and review on Amazon below.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
