S3E35: Anime Influence on Fantasy and Hosting a Reader Community with Author S.H. Blodgett

Today’s episode brings you an interview with Epic Fantasy author S.H. Blodgett!

Blodgett is the author of the Ruined Destiny and Legacy of the Dragon series, Epic Fantasy with an added flavor of Eastern culture influenced by anime such as Naruto. She also hosts her own community–which you can jump on into–on Patreon and in her Discord server.

Find links to her author page, Amazon listings, Patreon and Discord on her LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/s.h.blodgett

You can also connect with S.H. Blodgett at:


➤News: As discussed in today’s episode, I have opened up my Discord server and made the invitation permanent. Come say hi and let’s talk about interesting things! https://discord.gg/GDQVVjQF

➤COME SEE ME IN PERSON BEFORE CHRISTMAS! I am doing signing events at branches in the Rappahannock Regional Library System this month. This next week includes:
–>Thursday Dec 12: Fredericksburg Branch Library, 12:00-3:00pm
—–>Not technically a signing event, but you can swing by the Salem Church Branch Library on Saturday ~2:30-3:00 and see me there.
–>Tuesday Dec 17: Snow Branch Library, 3:00-6:00pm
–>Wednesday Dec 18: Porter Branch Library, 3:00-6:00pm
–>Saturday Dec 21
To see updates on times/dates/locations, jump in my Discord server and go to the “announcements” channel. (https://discord.gg/GDQVVjQF)

➤The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/ (and get it signed, too). And you can really help out by leaving a comment on Amazon or on Goodreads. It helps other people find my books and join the journey!

Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NU2

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E34: AI Overlords and Climate Change with Author Lee Schneider

Today’s episode brings you an interview with Science Fiction author Lee Schneider!

His Utopia Engine trilogy certainly sounds interesting, but check out his website at futurex.studio and you’ll see he does a lot more than that, including multiple podcasts of his own.

Today, Lee shares his journey as a writer, starting with short stories and progressing through careers in playwriting, film, television, and now speculative fiction. The Utopia Engine explores a future dominated by AI controlling climate, banking, and daily life, juxtaposed with a rebellion of human-led communities. Lee emphasizes themes of optimism within dystopian settings, highlighting humanity’s resilience and adaptability.

We also delve into writing challenges, the role of hope in storytelling, the societal impacts of AI, and the necessity of environmental stewardship.

The author’s website: www.futurex.studio

You can connect with Lee Schneider at:


➤News: I have opened up my Discord server and made the invitation permanent. Come say hi and let’s talk about interesting things! https://discord.gg/GDQVVjQF

➤COME SEE ME IN PERSON BEFORE CHRISTMAS! I am doing signing events at branches in the Rappahannock Regional Library System over the next few weeks. The first few events will be:
–>Monday Dec 9th: Montross Branch Library, 12:30-3:30pm
–>Tuesday Dec 10: Cooper Branch Library, 2:30-5:30pm
–>Wednesday Dec 11: Howell Branch Library, 11:00am-2:00pm
–>Thursday Dec 12
To see more times/dates/locations, jump in my Discord server and go to the “announcements” channel. (https://discord.gg/GDQVVjQF)

➤The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. And you can really help out by leaving a comment on Amazon or on Goodreads. It helps other people find my books and join the journey!

Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NU2

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/


S3E33: “Salt in the Seas” on Kickstarter with Author Karyne Norton

Today’s episode brings you an interview with Fantasy author Karyne Norton!

Karyne’s Epic Fantasy series, The Half-Light Chronicles, started off with Blood of the Stars in March of this year and will continue with Salt in the Seas next spring. She is currently–but not for much longer!–running a Kickstarter campaign for that book. Judging by the fact that while I type this it is sitting at 3,500% of its funding goal, it’s worth checking out! (See links below.)

Also, make sure you stop by her website to sign up for her newsletter and receive free short stories and be keyed in for all her updates.

By the way, Karyne is also a podcaster who hosts and reads Fantasy short stories in the Finding Fantasy Reads podcast. I can say personally that it’s definitely worth checking out; it’s actually how I discovered her and decided to invite her on the Grendhill Chronicles Podcast. You can search for “Finding Fantasy Reads” in your podcast app, or follow the link included below!

Salt in the Seas Kickstarter campaign: www.kickstarter.com/projects/karynenorton/salt-in-the-seas

The author’s website: www.karynenorton.com

Finding Fantasy Reads podcast: www.findingfantasyreads.com/

And we mention this Facebook group during the interview: Kickstarter for Authors



Come see me this Saturday, 11:00am – 3:00pm @ McKay Used Books in Manassas, VA! Get your copy of Forerunner signed and take a picture!
Event Flyer >>> https://x.com/GrendhillChron/status/1836556557980701148

I need beta readers and ARC readers. Read Guardian for free by clicking one of these two links:
–>Beta reader call! – https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/guardian-beta-read/
–>ARC reader call! – https://www.nightshadeunicorn.com/arc-nu2-guardian/

Check out Guardian on the eBook pre-order page on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ and bask in its glory. Also, you may notice that the pre-order is available at a big discount, so tell your friends!!!

Also coming up Oct 18-20, tell your friends: https://stuffwithfantasy.com/. Forerunner will be included in this event!


The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/. You can really help out by leaving a rating and review on Amazon below, or on Goodreads. It helps other people find the book and join the journey!

Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Pre-Order on Amazon for $1.99: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
