GCP S2:E4 – Story! – Я-BOT

Below are my notes-to-self created before recording this episode:

This will be a narration episode!

GCP – S2E4: Story! – Я-BOT … as well as life and creative work updates.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)
I haven’t recorded one in nigh on three years. Expect a worldbuilding episode next month, probably an old conversation recording from three years ago that never got released. But today, I will read to you.

I’m going to try to do this episode in one take for the updates and back matter discussion after the narration, but I’ll record the narration once the kids are in bed to prevent extra noise on the recording.

Today’s narration won’t be a chapter from The Grendhill Chronicles.
Today I’ll be reading to you something I’ve been calling a short story, but it’s more of a concept flash fiction. It’s barely 1200 words, and no action actually occurs in the window of narration, but it takes an idea I had in 2021 and tries to make you feel what the narrator feels. I hope I can make you feel something interesting while you listen.

But first, our updates!


                -Declined Career Designation

                -recent birthday

-daughter’s artwork

-card from aunt

-pen from parents

-some time to myself

                -T.S. Pedramon: The Grendhill Chronicles

                -Continuing to publish Grendhill Chronicles chapters on Wattpad and RR.

                                -Created Substack page and publishing there. – The current existing content for TGC is perma-free. To clarify, free access. I still retain it as my intellectual property. What I am currently first-draft reviewing is hopefully getting better, but this portion of the story will remain free to access and consume. I intend to write further in the story, entire books, which will probably not be perma-free.

                -Published R-BOT (as T.S. Pedramon)

-on thorn.link w/ password

-on Substack

-on ko-fi.com

-on Patreon

-on Vella – Vella is actually for serials – explain.

                -GOHOMUSP progress – 15,500 words, but I have more news about GOHOMUSP.


-Stable Diffusion – hilarity and awesomeness. Cats and parrots in dapper 3-piece suits or wearing armor, a house in the woods. It also spits out some disturbing images – just look at the hands. It often doesn’t know how many fingers people are supposed to have, and it has no idea what a clarinet is supposed to look like. But it makes some pretty cool images.

-ChatGPT – blurb

                -Seasoned author said he would offer some help; asked for a blurb. Life was busy, I was sick, and in the end I took a shortcut: ChatGPT. I had heard AI could be pretty good at blurbs. So I described my story, ChatGPT spat out a blurb, and I gave that a makeover.

                                – I told this other author exactly how I had produced the blurb. He gave me feedback, annotations and corrections to show me how to improve it further. Then he said:

“Don’t use AI…AI providers are all being sued. I wouldn’t want to have stuff that was AI assisted that would have to be pulled down and reworked because the court ruled that it was a copyright violation.”

                -So, there’s that. Now, I have not used AI to write any of my actual content, nor do I have any intention to do so. I think that even if there is no copyright concern, we will still need human-to-human communication for it to be truly relevant. But marketing copy is copyrightable material as well.

                -So copyright is a definite concern. I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. I don’t know who will win the lawsuits. Having worked with Stable Diffusion, it can often take a deal of human creativity and intent to extract exactly the image you’re looking for. But the computer is able to do what it does because it ingested tons of material – much…most?…of which is copyrighted.

                -So, Stable Diffusion. I prompted the AI to give me a picture of a robot. It took a few dozen tries to get what I was looking for, tweaking the settings. In the end I found something that I could call an R-BOT from my story. I think it looks pretty cool…and menacing. That was the intent. But I posted R-BOT on these different platforms with that image.

                -Oops. Now, to play it safe, I will draw my own robot, and replace that image with my new one. I do not wish to have any of my works pulled due to potential copyright infringement. So you’ll see that change.

-I have some more to say about GOHOMUSP, but we’ll leave that until after today’s narration segment.

Without further ado – RBOT.



Thank you for listening to my recording of R-BOT today. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you liked that, you may enjoy some of these books by other authors. Disclaimer – I haven’t had the time to read these myself. However, they do sound interesting and I wouldn’t mind cracking one open. If you’re watching on YouTube you’ll see these book covers appear on screen. – newsletter swaps!

Now –

I shared RBOT with my newsletter subscribers – wait! I said subscribers!

                -If you’re on YouTube, click the bell to subscribe to this channel.

                -If you’re listening to audio, subscribe if you haven’t already, and please rate and review the podcast. Share it! Let others know; it will really help me out.

                -And go to thorn.link/Grendhill/newsletter to subscribe so you can catch little freebies like this. When you subscribe, you will be emailed the password to read R-BOT online. Plus, you’ll be in the in-group to learn when I publish anything.

Okay, so I shared R-BOT with my newsletter subscribers a few days ago, and my Dad said he liked it. He texted me asking for more. That, coupled with what I’m going to say next, got me thinking a bit.

…The seasoned author who critiqued my blurb also critiqued its genre. In short, nobody’s looking for misfit superheroes. – Ben Stiller’s Mystery Men, different flavor…. I’m different….but he’s right

-So, what should I write? I dunno.

                -R-BOT full novel? – had sequel idea yesterday

                -Dive into TGC?

                -Nightshade Unicorn?

                -MG       -kid who sews superhero costumes that impart power to the wearer?


                …-I should start how I want to continue seriously, so…RBOT, Grendhill, or a space sci-fi, I suppose What do you think?

S4E7 – 3D Prints and Miscellaneous

It’s another solo episode today, with the weekly book giveaway, announcements, and a little bit of 3D prints show-and-tell.

After recording an interview for a future episode relevant to tabletop games, the new giveaway contest Question of the Week is also in that realm!

Here are some of the answers from last week’s question, “What’s your favorite twist on a classic fantasy trope?”:

Michelle Sagara did a fun take on the ‘chosen one’/reluctant hero trope in the Chronicles of Elantra by having the MC be from the poorest part of the city. She makes mistake after mistake while still trying to avoid pretty much everything. And all the while, the MC is pretty much the only one who can save the city/world because she was chosen as a child to basically be a sacrifice. Kaylin ends up having a long, varied list of allies because of her naive, almost-innocent behavior/mentality, and yet she’s also extremely capible. She’s someone most of us can relate to and yet she’s still the hero. And she never ends up rich or wealthy (also something you don’t see a lot of in fantasy…).

I don’t know if it even counts, but the biggest twist I’ve enjoyed in recent years was Wen Spencer’s Brother’s Keeper I think that was the name anyway. Very few authors do a good job of switching traditional gender roles. In that book, the women were the warriors, the business people, the bosses, and the men (who were rare) were the keepers of the home and raisers of the children. It was done surprisingly well. But it did get a little romancy and ew toward the end. My motto is: I don’t care who is doing what with or to whom, JUST DON’T TELL ME ABOUT IT!

Libraries filled with books, the more expansive the better. My personal favorite is The Library at The Citadel in Game of Thrones. It is said to house knowledge from across Westeros and Essos, the two main continents featured in the book and television series.


Weekly Book Giveaway:

  • Last week’s winner: JFPosthumus. (See my Discord server.) Congratulations, and I’m glad your book already arrived!
  • The new Question of the Week: What’s the most epic or unexpected moment you’ve experienced in a tabletop game?
  • Enter the contest by guessing a number (1–1,000). Add a letter for a chance to win two books!
  • The best place to participate is in my Discord server, but I’m now accepting email, tweet, etc.–but make sure you @ me and I react, so you know I got your entry!

Stay Connected:

  • Discord Server: Join the conversation, answer the question of the week, and enter the giveaway.
  • Support the Podcast: Ko-fi Supporters gain exclusive perks like early announcements and behind-the-scenes updates.



Win Free Books: Head to my Discord server ( https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu ), answer the “Question of the Week,” and guess a number between 1 and 1,000. For a bonus prize, guess a letter of the alphabet for a chance to win two signed books instead of one! See the full “menu” here, but check back again later—it’s growing: https://www.grendhill.media/prizes/

Authors, join the giveaway: If you’re an author and you’d like to reach more readers, I’m willing to buy your book when a contest winner chooses it. Please fill out my Google Form ( https://forms.gle/XKTy7Sg8H9pENm8p7 ) to have your book considered for the “menu.”

Upcoming Conventions:

  • StoryCon in Salt Lake City (February 21–22).
  • ConFinement in Lebanon, TN (Feb 28-Mar 1).

Book Promo: I’m participating in a clean fantasy eBook giveaway on BookFunnel, until February 17th. See the giveaway here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/epicspeculativefiction/3elgh3hok5 .

➤The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/ (and get it signed, too). And you can really help out by leaving a comment on Amazon or on Goodreads. It helps other people find my books and join the journey!

➤My Nightshade Unicorn books (1 & 2) are available on Amazon, or you can grab signed copies directly from me at www.grendhill.media.


Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NU2

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
Discord: https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu


S4E6 – Don’t Get Phished, with Don Bishop

It’s a solo episode today, with the weekly book giveaway, announcements, and a quick message: be careful out there in Internet-land!

I worked as a Cyberspace Operations Officer in the US Marine Corps. Cyber defense, while distinct from Cybersecurity in the US military, falls among what the civilian sector considers as Cybersecurity. In short, I know how phishing works. That’s why it’s embarrassing to say: I got phished this week.

Phishing is a type of email scam where the malicious actor is trying to get information from you, whether that’s login credentials, financial information, or other information that the phisher shouldn’t have access to. It’s helpful to learn their tactics so we know how to avoid them.

In this case, it was login credentials. The phisher created a look-alike web page to imitate my web hosting provider, then emailed me to tell me that a domain renewal payment didn’t go through! I want to make sure my websites stay live of course, so I hurried and logged in–or so I thought–to see what was the matter.

Error #1: I didn’t verify the email came from a legitimate sender.
Error #2: I clicked the link without verifying where it pointed, or I clicked the link at all, instead of opening a new window and typing in the address I know for my web hosting provider.
Error #3: I entered login credentials on the page without checking the address bar to make sure I was actually on my web hosting provider’s website.

What I was staring at was a basic page asking for up-to-date credit card information, “so they could process my domain renewal.” Lies!

I wanted to make sure I understood which domain was expiring–I have a couple that I want to let expire. The page didn’t show any of my domains, because, being a phisher, they didn’t have that information! At this point I realized what had happened, and frantically changed my login for the real website.

What did we learn? (I already knew these things, but I’m sharing them because I got pwned like a n00b, and with this knowledge hopefully you can avoid some hurt.)

-If you get an unexpected email, check who it’s from.
-Don’t click links in suspicious emails.
-Forward phishing emails to reportphishing@awpg.org.
-Check the address bar in your browser.
-Don’t reuse passwords to minimize the damage in case you get phished or hacked.

Surf safely, and I’ll see you next week!


Weekly Book Giveaway:

  • Last week’s winner: A_Groggett. (Again!) (See my Discord server.) Congratulations! Take your pick from the menu at https://grendhill.media/prizes/ .
  • The new Question of the Week: What’s your favorite twist on a classic fantasy trope?
  • Enter the contest by guessing a number (1–1,000). Add a letter for a chance to win two books!
  • The best place to participate is in my Discord server, but I’m now accepting email, tweet, etc.–but make sure you @ me and I react, so you know I got your entry!

Stay Connected:

  • Discord Server: Join the conversation, answer the question of the week, and enter the giveaway.
  • Support the Podcast: Ko-fi Supporters gain exclusive perks like early announcements and behind-the-scenes updates.



Win Free Books: Head to my Discord server ( https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu ), answer the “Question of the Week,” and guess a number between 1 and 1,000. For a bonus prize, guess a letter of the alphabet for a chance to win two signed books instead of one! See the full “menu” here, but check back again later—it’s growing: https://www.grendhill.media/prizes/

Authors, join the giveaway: If you’re an author and you’d like to reach more readers, I’m willing to buy your book when a contest winner chooses it. Please fill out my Google Form ( https://forms.gle/XKTy7Sg8H9pENm8p7 ) to have your book considered for the “menu.”

Upcoming Conventions:

  • FenCon in Dallas (Valentine’s Day weekend).
  • StoryCon in Salt Lake City (February 21–22).
  • ConFinement in Lebanon, TN (Feb 28-Mar 1).

Book Promo: I’m participating in a clean fantasy eBook giveaway on BookFunnel, until February 17th. See the giveaway here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/epicspeculativefiction/3elgh3hok5 .

➤The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/ (and get it signed, too). And you can really help out by leaving a comment on Amazon or on Goodreads. It helps other people find my books and join the journey!

➤My Nightshade Unicorn books (1 & 2) are available on Amazon, or you can grab signed copies directly from me at www.grendhill.media.


Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NU2

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
Discord: https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu


S4E5: Lightning Round With Authors Blake and Raven Penn

I had more questions for Blake and Raven Penn, so they’re back this week! Let’s dive in as they answer the questions:

  1. What made you decide to be writers, and what’s your inspiration?
  2. What is the hardest part of going from an idea of a story to write, to a fully written and published book?
  3. What’s the ideal length for a series of books?
  4. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

Connect with Blake and Raven Penn:

Weekly Book Giveaway:

  • Last week’s winner: A_Grogget. (See my Discord server.) Congratulations! Take your pick from the menu at https://grendhill.media/prizes/ .
  • The new Question of the Week: If you could live in any fantasy world, which one would it be and why?
  • Enter the contest by guessing a number (1–1,000). Add a letter for a chance to win two books!
  • The best place to participate is in my Discord server, but I’m now accepting email, tweet, etc.–but make sure you @ me and I react, so you know I got your entry!

Kickstarter Update: The final promised song for Don’s Nightshade Unicorn Kickstarter is delayed until mid-March due to travel and unforeseen events.

Stay Connected:

  • Discord Server: Join the conversation, answer the question of the week, and enter the giveaway.
  • Support the Podcast: Ko-fi Supporters gain exclusive perks like early announcements and behind-the-scenes updates.



Win Free Books: Head to my Discord server ( https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu ), answer the “Question of the Week,” and guess a number between 1 and 1,000. For a bonus prize, guess a letter of the alphabet for a chance to win two signed books instead of one! See the full “menu” here, but check back again later—it’s growing: https://www.grendhill.media/prizes/

Authors, join the giveaway: If you’re an author and you’d like to reach more readers, I’m willing to buy your book when a contest winner chooses it. Please fill out my Google Form ( https://forms.gle/XKTy7Sg8H9pENm8p7 ) to have your book considered for the “menu.”

Upcoming Conventions:

  • FenCon in Dallas (Valentine’s Day weekend).
  • StoryCon in Salt Lake City (February 21–22).
  • ConFinement in Lebanon, TN (Feb 28-Mar 1).

Book Promo: I’m participating in a clean fantasy eBook giveaway on BookFunnel, until February 17th. See the giveaway here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/epicspeculativefiction/3elgh3hok5 .

➤The Grendhill Chronicles Podcast is brought to you by my YA Epic Fantasy series “Nightshade Unicorn,” written under the pen name T.S. Pedramon. You can purchase it on Amazon or elsewhere, or directly from me at https://www.grendhill.media/ (and get it signed, too). And you can really help out by leaving a comment on Amazon or on Goodreads. It helps other people find my books and join the journey!

➤My Nightshade Unicorn books (1 & 2) are available on Amazon, or you can grab signed copies directly from me at www.grendhill.media.


Book 1, Forerunner:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Book 2, Guardian:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DFFZFZDZ
Direct: https://www.grendhill.media/
Purchase links everywhere else: https://books2read.com/NU2

Find me online:

Author Page: https://www.pedramon.com/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/GrendhillChron/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grendhillchronicles/
Discord: https://discord.gg/HvQZeG2AWu
