

Reedl and Aton blinked against the sudden morning light as they landed on the Fassendais. Harrval’s pale sky greeted them out of the night that still prevailed in Grendhill. The pair made their way to Kascho’s home in silence, a heaviness hanging over them as they walked. Aton was armed, as was his custom, but today he did not carry his twin dao as he normally did. He felt the weight of the weapon he carried pulling him down, but at the same time the knowledge of its presence pushed him almost to take off running.

They presently arrived at the house and Reedl knocked curtly. Uillia smiled at them as she opened the door. “Come in, of course come in. Kascho’s out right now, but I suppose Aton is visiting his brothers and sisters? Well, brothers and sister, of course, the other sister being indisposed at the moment. Or at the week.” She let out a quick laugh. “Come on in, I expect they’re out back running through their forms like they do in the mornings. Should be done soon. Can I get you anything?” She let a quizzical expression slip through her friendly greetings, obviously curious about the Sageman’s presence attending Aton.

Reedl spoke. “Please gather the three of them. We need to speak with them as soon as possible. That is all right now, thank you.”

“Alright, one moment.” Their hostess disappeared towards the rear of the house.

A few moments later she returned, trailed by Domire, Misolfa, and Tido. The three were catching their breath and glistening with a thin layer of sweat.

Reedl addressed Uillia. “Madam, I apologize for our odd visit, and I apologize that we are not going to explain it at this time. Is there a room where the five of us can speak with greater privacy?”

Uillia nodded. “Yes, I will show you now.” She walked down the hall to lead them to a bedroom. “I understand you folks have important business all the time. It is no trouble. Besides, Kascho and I are paid so that we will accommodate such things, aren’t we? Now, is there anything I can get you to make you more comfortable?”

Aton, Domire, Misolfa, and Tido filed into the bedroom while Reedl stood in the doorway. Reedl paused a moment before answering the question. “Yes, please. Could I get some plain hot chocolate? And some for Aton, as well? It’s a very early morning for us.”

“Of course, as quickly as I can,” Uillia answered. She looked at Aton expectantly.

“Extra milk, please,” Aton answered the unvoiced question.

“Alright, I’ll be right back.” Uillia left and Reedl entered the room entirely, closing the door behind him.

“Aton, I will leave this to you—where would you like to begin?”





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