The majority of the guard force in the square started walking briskly through the people doing commerce, getting them out of the square. At the same time, archers around the square nocked arrows and sighted in on the group that just stepped off of the Thallenrose. The group stayed tight together and started sprinting toward one of the gates. They knew they’d been seen.
As people cleared out, Domire got ready to give his next signal. He did not wait long. This is why the crowd was limited at all times. Thinner crowds could be cleared more quickly. Expediency was even more necessary now that the group was on the move. The attackers spied Domire as he raised his other hand, this time his left, as he put his right on his sword hilt. The assailants shifted their course towards Domire. He extended the first two fingers of his hand, then swung his hand down and forward., at the same time giving a verbal command. “Archers, let fly!”
A dozen arrows sped towards the group. At the same time, another group of six appeared on the Thallenrose. They immediately started sprinting. As soon as they were clear, another half-dozen men appeared. The first round of arrows hit the dozen men running at Domire. A few missed entirely. Some hit at oblique angles, deflecting off the men’s armor. Three got good hits, thudding as they bounced off and fell to the ground, their blunt points causing no damage. One landed on a neck—the struck soldier obligingly went down. One hit a leg–the man fell to the ground, but held his sword up and at the ready in case he still might be part of the fight. He started to get up, staggering as he feigned injury on that leg. The third hit an arm. The “wounded” man kept running, but switched his sword to his other hand and held the hurt arm close.
In the moment when the third half dozen had appeared, Domire called, “Folllow volley on the rear! Foot, charge on front!” The archers nocked and drew bows for another round to loose, this time on the fresh group now stepping off the Thallenrose. As they stepped off, another half-dozen appeared.
Aton and Valkyr leaped from their staging point and ran towards the spot where Domire and the forward group would collide. Valkyr pulled back and loosed as they ran, falling back as she slowed to steady her shot. When it was gone–aimed true to hit an attacker in the shoulder next to his breastplate–she pulled a new one from her quiver and repeated the action.
Aton could see Mifalla and Tido jump from their vantage point on the other side of the square. Tido had a liking to carry throwing knives along with his axe. He started pulling them out from their hiding places and throwing as he ran. A neck, under the ribs–the knives would have been deadly if they weren’t made of leather-bound wood. The attackers he hit slumped to the ground.